--- Program list [+] On physical computer (windows 10): - 7-zip - Bandicam - Cheat engine - Foxit reader - Git - Chrome (adblock, j2team security) - gcc - HxD - IDM - IDA 7.2 (IDASkins, Heapviewer, ClassInformer) - Java - MPC-HC - MathType 6 - MenuTools - MS Office - Notepad++ - Visual studio 2017 (python3, C++, C#) - VMWare 15 - Python 2.7 - qDir - Sublime text - Process hacker 2 - Teamviewer - Typora - Ultraview - VeraCrypt - VNC client - Your uninstaller 7 - uTorrent - unikey - winrar - Qt5 - Openssl light (add to path) [+] On VM (windows 10): - API monitor v2 - gcc - Chrome - HxD - Ghidra - IDA 7.2 - IDM - Java - Notepad++ - Fiddler - Python 2.7 - Python 3.7+ - qDir - Sublime text - Microsoft office 2016 / crack using cmd - WireShark ---------------------------- - x96dbg (+scylla hide, SwissArmyKnife, x64dbgpy, xAnalyzer + https://github.com/Voraka/x64dbg_Theme_vs_dark) - Binary Ninja - Process hacker 2 - Sysinternal process explorer - Sysinternal autorun - jadx - dex2jar - detect it easy - dnSpy - jd-gui - lordPE - PEBear - pd64 (process dump) - Procmon - python decompiler (pyinstxtractor, ... etc, for 3.7+ and 3.6-) - ImpRec 1.7c - de4dot - Regshot - upx - windows path editor - exeinfo-pe [+] On VM (ubuntu 18.04): - nano (from source) + .nanorc - sshd - virtualenv - gcc, gef - lib32 - python2, python-pip, python3-pip - sublime text - vs code - pwntools, z3-solver, pycryptodome - libc builder (2.27 + 2.31 x64), mpatch